Cosmic Background Microwave Radiation (CMBR)Ī second piece of evidence that supports the big bang theory is cosmic background microwave radiation. The light from distant galaxies is red shifted (this tells us the galaxies are moving away from us) and the further away the galaxy the greater the red shift (this tells us that the more distant the galaxy the faster it is moving). The universe then expanded from that point to give us the universe we see today. The big bang theory is that the universe began from a very small initial point. The light is shifted towards the red end of the spectrum, RED SHIFT. The observed wavelength of the light is longer when objects are moving away from us. 10 Im interested if any of the following explanations have enough predictive capability to explain the observations we see today.

The colours from short wavelength to long are

White light can be split up into its component colours using a prism or diffraction grating. When the light from a galaxy which is moving away from you is observed the wavelength of the observed light appears longer, it moves towards the red end of the spectrum. The expansion of space stretches the wavelengths of the light that is traveling. When the sound source moves away from you the wavelength increases and the frequency of the sound decrease (lower pitch). What does cosmological redshift do to light The cosmological redshift is a consequence of the expansion of space. How Far Away The MOSDEF redshifts correspond to when the Universe was 1.5-4.5 Billion years old. When the sound source moves towards you to wavelength decreases and the frequency of the sound increase (higher pitch). Here we can see our observed (redshifted) spectral features are shifted towards red wavelengths by a factor of 3.32, therefore our measured cosmological redshift is 2.32. As the car approaches you the sound it produces is higher pitched than when it drives away from you, where the sound becomes lower in pitch. This effect can be heard when a formula 1 car drives past you.